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Your future in Bangladesh

Back 4 Good – Your future in Bangladesh has worked with our affiliates in Bangladesh for a number of years and this work was in the provision of learning and development programmes through our sister platform www.irrawaddycollege.com .

Bangladesh is to become the 3rd fastest growing economy in the world in 2019 in terms of achieving high GDP according to the United Nations .

More recently as Bangladesh has started to grow we have had a role in finding skilled professional to match the demand that has arisen in the Bangladesh labour market .

Bangladesh has averaged a GDP growth of 6.5% each year over the past decade .This growth has largely been driven by exports of ready made garments ,remittances and the domestic agricultural sector.

Bangladesh is statically important for the economise of Northern India. Nepal and Bhutan as Bangladeshi seaports provide maritime access for these landlocked regions and countries .

China also views Bangladesh as a potential gateway for its landlocked southwest including Tibet, Sichuan and Yunnan.

Many new jobs have been created by the country’s dynamic private ready-made garment industry which is growing at double -digit rates .

Shipbuilding is a growing industry in Bangladesh with strong potential and experts have suggested that Bangladesh will become a major competitor in the global market of small to medium ocean -going vessels.

Bangladesh is becoming a major player in the global ICT sector .In the last 3 years, Bangladesh has seen a tremendous growth in the ICT sector .Bangladesh is a market of 160 million people with vast consumer spending around mobile phones, telco and internet .

Bangladesh has 80 million internet users ,an estimated 9% growth in internet use by June 2017 powered by mobile internet .

Bangladesh currently has an active 23 million Facebook users with over 145 million mobile phone customers .

Bangladesh exported $800 million worth od software games outsourcing and services to European countries, the Inited States , Canada ,Russia and India in 2017 with a target of $ billion in software exports for 2021 .

Bangladesh like most fast growing economies in Asia has an acute skills shortage in a number of key sectors including

. Pharmaceutical
. Apparel
. Automotive
. Telecommunications
. Manufacturing
. Banking
. Agriculture
. Financial Services

Bangladesh is calling its skilled people home for good to take up the many roles available and is encouraging overseas professionals to live and work in the country .

If you are interested in taking up a career in Bangladesh send your details to info@back4good.asia and we will take it from there for you.